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Three Little Pigs and the big bad beliefs

Writer: Viv BucklandViv Buckland

Once upon a time there were three little pigs who set out to make their way in the world. Each took with them their backpack of beliefs, some of them empowering, some limiting and some that were, well, just convenient. As they walked along together they found, like siblings do, that they just couldn't agree on the right thing to do, and so they agreed to go their separate ways.

three little pigs
three little pigs

The first little pig spent a lot of time 'in the moment' and approached life with curiosity. They hadn't been curious enough about house-buying to realise the big bad banks thought they were a poor credit risk and wouldn't let them have a mortgage. So as they followed their path onwards they considered what would make an eco-friendly sustainable option, and decide to try straw bales. They met a farmer who was happy to let them rent a piece of land, and who could give them some bales of straw to get them started. And so the first little pig quickly built a small but cosy straw cottage nestled on the edge of a wood on the side of a hill, fastened on a thatched roof and moved in. It was a tad draughty without windows, but as it was still early summer, warm enough for the little pig. They unpacked their bag of beliefs and settled in. There was a gentle breeze in the air.

The second little pig laughed. "When the big bad wind of change blows you'll regret your choice. That draughty straw will never protect your beliefs! I've got a much better idea." And so the second little pig took a different road. This little pig headed off to an exposed plain to build their house. They ordered some wood and tools from B&Q and drew up a plan. The little pig had watched the Wizard of Oz and in the backpack of beliefs just knew that if you had a wooden house and the big scary wind of change blew, you and your beliefs would be safe inside, even if your house did fly off and land somewhere else. After all you can't stop the wind blowing, only how you deal with it. And so, much hammering of nails and swearing later, the timber house was built, complete with roof and doors (the windows were still on order - do have any idea about the lead time on glass these days??). The second little pig moved in, unpacked their beliefs and put them neatly away into the drawers (IKEA this time, B&Q didn't have them in stock). The gentle breeze was beginning to have some stronger gusts with it.

The third little pig simply shook their head at their siblings. "Honestly, you'd have thought you two would have realised we had to leave home sometime, and planned ahead. I've saved up my deposit and secured my mortgage offer in principle. My plot of land is just down this next road and planning permission has just come through for my new brick built home. There'll be running water and superfast broadband, not to mention decent door locks and doorbell cameras for security (hence the need for broadband). That's how a proper pig plans!" The foundations were already dug and the walls went up. The third little pig was busy scouring the internet for project manager jobs (to pay their new mortgage) as the roof went on, windows in and doors hung. The pig went inside and locked the doors before unpacking their beliefs and securing them in the safe they'd had installed. Just in time, as the wind of change picked up speed and blew around the new house. Checking the latest Met Office storm warning (good job that broadband works), the third little pig was glad the wind of change would never reach their beliefs.

Safely locked away from any change that was blowing through the third little pig checked the internet for all the scary things that they were safe from, and boy oh boy were there a lot of them. Thank goodness they had the sense to believe that all change was bad and make sure they wouldn't be affected by it. So long as I hang onto these beliefs and don't step out into the real world I'll stay safe. Good job we used that super quick and cheap concrete to finish the roof in time - what was it called again??

Meanwhile the second little pig was getting over their worry that perhaps the third little pig might have been right, they were always the smart one. As the wind of change blew and blew it turned out that belief in the principle henceforth to be known as 'Dorothy's house', was true. Well that'll teach those that mocked me! The timber house lifted off the plain and blew along with the wind of change. When the house finally landed and the wind of change died down the second little pig looked out at the new environment they found themselves in. They picked up their backpack and looked in the IKEA drawers for their beliefs. They'd been thrown around a bit in the move, and one or two were a little bruised and broken. Oh well, it seems the others will serve me well, perhaps I'll just need to look out to find a few replacements now.

The first little pig was having an interesting time. They noticed the breeze picking up, and felt the gusts that blew around. They heard the rustle of the trees and saw pieces of straw and leaves from the trees swirling in the air. They spent time in the moment noticing everything there was to notice about how nature responded to the winds of change. As the winds passed on they looked back at their house of straw. Some patching up might be needed here and there but no more or less than you would expect over time. Inside the beliefs that mattered lay safely where they'd been put. Some new beliefs had blown in on the wind and the first little pig found they couldn't even remember those old beliefs that had blown off on the wind.

When you spend more time learning from nature in nature, you have less time to be afraid of all the things the virtual world wants you to be afraid of. How securely are you protecting and holding onto beliefs that no longer serve you well? Can you feel the gentle breeze of change yet?



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